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Ravage The Defeated fits well into the context of Dunland's pillaging of Rohan. There are a plethora of similar cards, but the most notable competitor is probably War Club. In Towers Block and Towers Standard, War Club generally has the edge over this card, since Dauntless Hunter restricts playability, while the threat of Wormtongue encourages players to spread out their cards.
Despite the almost total lack of new cards produced for the culture after Towers and its replacement with the
culture in Shadows, leading to its general decline, Ravage The Defeated actually grows stronger with the later sets. With the X-Listing of Dauntless Hunter and ever increasing number of counters to Wormtongue, Ravage The Defeated's effect combined with the element of surprise can be a big hit to an opposing fellowship. Furthermore, Ravage The Defeated can discard both artifacts and followers (despite the latter's non existence until set 13). This greatly increases its power in the sets where these are common, especially since few other cards can do this (Grond, Hammer of the Underworld being the other notable method).
Ravage The Defeated works best with large minions (Hill Clan, Wild Men of the Hills, Hillman Horde), since these are most likely to win skirmishes. Other strength boosting effects can also be helpful such as Rabble Rouser, Death to the Strawheads or Dark Fury.
Ravage The Defeated can work very effectively when combined with Too Long Have These Peasants Stood, as together they can devastate an opponent's setup, targeting both their companions and their support area.