LotR TCG Wiki | → Card Sets: | All | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | → Forums: | TLHH | CC |
Set: | Ents of Fangorn |
Kind: | Shadow |
Culture: | Dunland |
Twilight: | 8 |
Card Type: | Minion • Man |
Strength: | 17 |
Vitality: | 2 |
Site: | 3 |
Game Text: | Each time this minion wins a skirmish, you may play a [Dunland] Man from hand. That Man is fierce and damage +2 until the regroup phase. |
Lore: | ”'We will take their king.'” |
Rarity: | R |
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Hill Clan is the strongest minion aside from the less reliable Wild Men of the Hills, and is almost guaranteed to win its skirmishes. This makes the effects of cards such as War Club or War Cry of Dunland much more powerful, as they are easily triggered by this minion. The ability of this minion, while powerful, is not very versatile - it doesn't decrease the cost of the minion played (Unlike more common
minions such as Hillman Mob), which considering the high cost of Hill Clan often leaves you with not enough twilight to play a strong minion that can take advantage of the Damage + 2 bonus. In spite of this, Hill Clan can be a good choice for a
deck, providing easy skirmish victories and overwhelming lesser companions with ease.