Set: | The Two Towers |
Kind: | Shadow |
Culture: | Dunland |
Twilight: | 1 |
Card Type: | Possession • Hand Weapon |
Strength: | +3 |
Game Text: | Bearer must be a [Dunland] Man. |
Lore: | Saruman armed the Dunlendings with weapons forged by his Orcs in Isengard. |
Rarity: | C |
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Iron Axe isn't necessarily a bad weapon, but it is eclipsed by War Club in almost every way. The only advantage Iron Axe has over War Club is one extra strength (Which comes at one extra twilight). If you then consider War Club's powerful ability, then there's really no contest. If however you don't have any/enough physical copies of War Club, or you need more than 4 weapons in your deck, then Iron Axe isn't a bad card - its 3 extra strength can help a lot of dunlendings win skirmishes, which is important for the
culture to trigger their various effects (Dunlending Pillager, Hillman Mob, Too Long Have These Peasants Stood, Ravage the Defeated). It also helps the fierce dunlendings (Dunlending Madman, Dunlending Robber, Band of Wild Men, Wulf) even more, as it'll apply in both skirmishes. It can also help overwhelm companions, particularly in the early game: A Dunlending Robber with an Iron Axe and Dark Fury at site 3 can get up to 18 strength for just four twilight.