LotR TCG Wiki | → Card Sets: | All | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | → Forums: | TLHH | CC |
Set: | The Two Towers |
Kind: | Free People |
Culture: | Rohan |
Twilight: | 1 |
Card Type: | Condition |
Game Text: | Plays to your support area. Fellowship: Exert a [Rohan] Man to play a hand weapon from your discard pile. |
Lore: | ”'And to you my other guests I will offer such things as may be found in my armoury.'” |
Rarity: | R |
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Weapon Store can be used to replay weapons from any culture that have been discarded at the cost of exerting a man, often Leowyn (who can heal herself) or another ally who will be healed by Well Stored next turn. While ranged weapons such as Rohirrim Bow can't be brought back with this card, Ulaire Cantea, Lieutenant of Dol Guldur can become a slight inconvenience rather than a permanent loss, and artifacts can be brought back as well. Dunlending Pillager and War Club often discard hand weapons rather than mounts since most
minions are always exhausted anyway, so Weapon Store becomes a lifesaver playing Sting or another important weapon from discard. Weapon Store is particularly beneficial if you would like to use the text of self-discarding hand weapons such as Hand Axe, Aiglos, or any of the set 6 banners.
For all its benefits, Weapon Store is not often played since many Rohan decks do not include Well Stored causing the exert cost to fall on a companion, though it could be worthwhile for replaying Merry's Sword. For decks that do use allies, Ecglaf is able to replay any
possession (not just hand weapons) from discard, and tends to be more useful if you have at least 2 Valiant companions. Finding space for Weapon Store, Well Stored and
allies often detracts more from a deck than it adds unless replaying weapons is a focus of the deck, and players should be weary of adding
cards if it will bring them up to 4 cultures.