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Many Free Peoples sides revolve around winning skirmishes - Trust Me decks, Help in Doubt and Need decks, Gondor Men, and many more. For such a Free Peoples side, an unexpected point of damage at a critical moment can be devastating, upsetting its play, potentially even killing a key companion.
There are few better ways of doing this than events. The Raiders have a number of ways of delivering damage without having to win skirmishes, but most of them are via a minion's game text, preventing them being a surprise for the opponent. Event cards have no such drawback. All Whirling Strike requires is 3 twilight on the table - something not unusual with the Raider's ambush capabilities.
The surprise point of damage can be made even more effective by holding Whirling Strikes in your hand, and playing two or even three at a time, assuming you have the twilight to do so. Nothing is more annoying than killing an unwounded companion when your opponent expected to handily win the skirmish - and with a common card too!