LotR TCG Wiki | → Card Sets: | All | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | → Forums: | TLHH | CC |
Set: | The Fellowship of the Ring |
Kind: | Shadow |
Culture: | Sauron |
Twilight: | 2 |
Card Type: | Event |
Game Text: | Maneuver: If the total number of burdens and companions in the dead pile is at least 12, spot a [Sauron] Orc to corrupt the Ring-bearer. |
Lore: | ”'The Nameless Enemy has arisen again. Smoke rises once more from Orodruin that we call Mount Doom.'” |
Rarity: | R |
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A “winner takes all” event, Despair creates an instant win when certain conditions are met by the Shadow player. Despair requires twilight in the Maneuver phase, a
Orc in play, and a combination of twelve burdens or companions in the dead pile. In theory, the event sounds reasonable enough–such a complete attack should have the opponent against the ropes. In practice, the card is not very playable. While the
twilight and Orc are easy enough spotting requirements, the combination of burdens and dead companions is remarkably high at 12. At even numbers, 6 burdens and 6 companions in the dead pile suggests the Shadow player is already incredibly close to winning the game in most cases. In fact, many decks–particularly in Fellowship Block format–do not contain more than 5 companions in total, meaning the Shadow player would need eight burdens and the four companions killed.