The adventure path is the collection of sites that have been played so far in the game. It will usually consist of a mix of all players' sites. In the first three blocks of the game (The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King), each site had a particular number and had to be played in that position in the adventure path. Starting with Shadows, sites did not have numbers printed on them, but could be played at any time. When played, they gained the appropriate site number (so the first site was site 1, the second site 2, etc.)
A few sites have special properties:
Site 1 is only active during
fellowship phases on the first turn of the game, and so it is not beneficial for it to have any text that references
minions or shadow players.
Site 2 often had at least one version that give an increase to the move limit (
Bree Gate and
Derndingle, for example), to encourage players to try to race and skip the first
sanctuary at site 3.
Sites 3 and 6 are
sanctuaries. During the movie years, they often had beneficial
effects to reflect this.
In a two-player game, only one player ever makes it to site 9; if they survive all
skirmish phases, they win, and if they don't, they lose. Since a shadow player plays site 9, it almost always has text that is beneficial to the shadow side.
In the first three blocks, there were often even stronger themes in the sites, which are mentioned below by block.
Site 1 (The Shire and Bree) - Many sites had abilities that allowed you to play a
companion or
ally from your
draw deck, usually by exerting a Hobbit or adding a
Site 3 (Rivendell) - Other than
Ford of Bruinen, all sites were positive for fellowships. There was a mini-cycle with the ability “play a [Race] to draw a card.”
Site 4 (The Misty Mountains and Moria) - Around half of these sites were
Underground, which could be a positive or a negative depending on your deck.
Site 6 (Rivendell) - Other than
Dimrill Dale, all sites were positive for fellowships, and elves in particular.
Site 9 (Amon Hen) - No real pattern, except that all abilities were beneficial to the shadow side.
Site 3 (Edoras): In Towers Block, site 3 was much less of a safe haven than in
Fellowship Block, with about half of the sites having beneficial
effects for the shadow side.
Site 4 (Western Rohan): No real pattern.
Site 8 (Isengard): Unlike in
Fellowship Block, all versions of site 8 in Towers Block had abilities that were beneficial to the shadow side.
Site 9 (Isengard): No real pattern, except that all abilities were beneficial to the shadow side.
Site 1 (Dunharrow, Edoras, and Isengard): There was a cycle of sites that each helped a different free peoples
culture, but the abilities of each site varied far more than in the previous blocks.
Site 2 (Dunharrow): Every site 2 in King block began with the phrase “If the shadow has initiative, …” highlighting the new ability (initiative) and punishing the common turn 1 play of the free peoples player dumping their entire hand.
Site 4 (Osgiliath): Every site 4 in King Block had an ability of the form “Spot your
minion and remove N
burdens …”
Site 5 (Pelennor): No real pattern.
Site 7 (Osgiliath): Every site 7 in King Block had an ability that required exerting or spotting a
Site 8 (Ithilien and Minas Morgul): There was a cycle of sites (one for each shadow
culture) that allowed the shadow player to remove
threats to gain an advantage.
Site 9 (The Black Gate): No real pattern, except that all abilities were beneficial to the shadow side.