Set: | Rise of Saruman |
Kind: | Free People |
Culture: | Gandalf |
Twilight: | 4 |
Card Type: | Companion • Wizard |
Strength: | 7 |
Vitality: | 4 |
Resistance: | 7 |
Game Text: | When you play Gandalf (except in your starting fellowship), you may play a [Gandalf] possession on him from your draw deck or discard pile. Each time Gandalf wins a skirmish, you may reinforce a Free Peoples token. |
Rarity: | R |
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One of only 6 cards in the game to be designed by a player, this version of Gandalf was written by menace64. The now-defunct Lord of the Rings TCG Online game referenced this fact, as did the 5 other player-made cards.