Set: | Shadows |
Card Type: | The One Ring |
Resistance: | +2 |
Game Text: | Response: If the Ring-bearer is about to take a wound, he or she wears The One Ring until the regroup phase. While the Ring-bearer is wearing The One Ring, each time he or she is about to take a wound, add a burden instead. |
Rarity: | R |
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The One Ring, The Ring of Rings is one of the most popular rings in Expanded format, along with The Great Ring. It's also usable in the earlier post-movie formats, being from set 11, and is often the best One Ring for Alternate Ring-bearers.
This Ring could be described as the safest One Ring to use; it turns every wound into a single burden, can be triggered at any time, and provides extra resistance for the ring-bearer. Its only shortcoming is the lack of any other beneficial stats or ability. Ring-bearers that benefit a lot from this ring need the extra resistance for their abilities, such as Gandalf, Bearer of Obligation; Boromir, Bearer of Council and possibly Smeagol, Bearer of Great Secrets as he often adds burdens to trigger his effects. However, most alternate Ring-bearers can safely fall back on this ring, with the exception of ring-bearers that desperately need the strength and vitality bonuses of other rings, such as possibly Sam, Bearer of Great Need; Bilbo, Bearer of Things Burgled; and Galadriel, Bearer of Wisdom.