Set: | The Fellowship of the Ring |
Kind: | Free People |
Culture: | Shire |
Twilight: | 0 |
Card Type: | Condition |
Game Text: | Stealth. To play, exert a Hobbit. Plays to your support area. Each time the fellowship moves, spot 2 Hobbit companions to make the shadow number -1 (or spot 4 to make it -2). |
Lore: | With their small size, Hobbits use any hole to hide in, and their trail is difficult to detect. |
Rarity: | U |
Notes: | Lists: EXL |
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Classic choke card for Hobbit decks. The exertion means little for a culture with such high vitality and plentiful healing, while the reduced twilight helps protect from high strength minions or too many minions. Helps keep Pippin relevant, as he is usually the weakest Hobbit in the first 6 sets, but his presence is essentially free when he's the fourth Hobbit to spot for this card. Can be combined with Bill the Pony, Dwarf of the Mountain Race, Heir to the White City or No Stranger to the Shadows.