Saruman's Power (1U136)

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Saruman's Power (1U136) Card Image

Set: The Fellowship of the Ring
Kind: Shadow
Culture: Isengard
Twilight: 2
Card Type: Event
Game Text: Spell. Shadow: Exert a [Isengard] minion to discard all conditions.
Lore: The Uruks of Saruman are bred to be the instruments of his will, destroying his enemies with foul cruelty.
Rarity: U

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Saruman's Power (1U136) Wiki

General Strategy

The Shadow version of Sleep, Caradhras, Saruman's Power is the most powerful tool for condition removal available to Shadow players. For the cost of 2 and the exertion of an Isengard minion, Saruman's Power discards every active condition, including the Shadow player's own Shadow conditions as well as the Free Peoples player's Free Peoples conditions. With the double-edged effect of discarding the Shadow player's own Shadow conditions, playing this card in condition-heavy Shadow is not ideal. That said, Isengard condition Saruman's Ambition can reduce the cost of this event, making it even more potent for its cost. With such a powerful effect, Saruman's Power remains relevant in all formats, even ones where Isengard itself is not prominent.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Strong Versus...

Weak Versus...

Rules and Clarifications


This page has been moved, the new location is Saruman's Power (1U136).