Ulaire Otsea, Lieutenant of Morgul (1U235)

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Ulaire Otsea, Lieutenant of Morgul (1U235) Card Image

Set: The Fellowship of the Ring
Kind: Shadow
Culture: Wraith
Twilight: 4
Card Type: Minion • Nazgul
Strength: 9
Vitality: 3
Site: 3
Game Text: Shadow: Exert Ulaire Otsea to make a [Wraith] minion fierce until the regroup phase.
Lore: ”…under their mantles were long grey robes; upon their grey hairs were helms of silver; in their haggard hands were swords of steel.”
Rarity: U
Notes: Card title and game text are errata. Image fixed

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Ulaire Otsea, Lieutenant of Morgul (1U235) Wiki

General Strategy

At the release of the Fellowship of the Ring set, Ulaire Otsea was a fringe-beneficial Nazgul minion. With only three non-fierce Nazgul–Ulaire Lemenya, Ulaire Nertea, and Ulaire Otsea itself–Ulaire Otsea, Lieutenant of Morgul did not have many options for his game text.

Despite his lack of use in the Fellowship of the Ring base set, Ulaire Otsea, Lieutenant of Morgul became much more versatile with the release of additional sets. The Mines of Moria expansion introduced twilight Nazgul, which benefit from the fierce bonus that Ulaire Otsea can provide. Additionally, Bill Ferny, Swarthy Sneering Fellow can be made fierce. The Return of the King block expansions introduced more in terms of non-fierce Nazgul with Wraith culture Orcs and Enduring Nazgul, particularly The Witch-King, Black Captain and Ulaire Enquea, Thrall of the One.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Strong Versus...

Weak Versus...

Rules and Clarifications

  • Original prints of this card say the now-errata'd “Ulaire Ostea.”

Extra Information

Other Versions of Ulaire Otsea

Zwarte Schim (P) Seventh of the Nine Riders (P) Seventh of the Nine Riders (P) Ringwraith in Twilight Black-Mantled Wraith Thrall of the One Seventh of the Nine Riders Black Specter Duplicitous Specter Duplicitous Specter (F) Duplicitous Specter (O)


This page has been moved, the new location is Ulaire Otsea, Lieutenant of Morgul (1U235).