Paths Seldom Trodden (1U222)

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Paths Seldom Trodden (1U222) Card Image

Set: The Fellowship of the Ring
Kind: Shadow
Culture: Wraith
Twilight: 1
Card Type: Condition
Game Text: Search. To play, spot a Nazgul. Plays to your support area. Shadow: Remove (3) to replace the fellowship's site with your version of the same site.
Lore: ”'You will have to leave the open road after tonight; for the horsemen will watch it night and day.'”
Rarity: U
Notes: This card can replace sites only in the Fellowship block format.

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Paths Seldom Trodden (1U222) Wiki

General Strategy

Paths Seldom Trodden has relatively few uses for Nazgul, as their preferred sites are all very early on the site path. Additionally, the cost of using this card is relatively expensive and it does not help sites that trigger when the fellowship moves there (such as Eregion Hills). Since it only requires a Nazgul to play, it might have some use with later sites such as Tol Brandir, but if the opponent is ahead then it will likely be the user's site anyway.

Paths Seldom Trodden can be used to assist a Silinde/Uruviel fellowship, by guaranteeing that the player gets the site that they want. It could also have more use in games with three or more players.


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