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The Lord of the Rings TCG Wiki: Boromir, Steward's Heir (P) (0P65)

Boromir, Steward's Heir (P) (0P65)

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Boromir, Steward's Heir (P) (0P65) Wiki

General Strategy

An interesting composition for Boromir that allows him to be used in any strategy involving Knights, Rangers, or Ring-bound men. It is debatable how usable this is, as the very reason for those keywords is to separate Gondor men into different classes and thus very few, if any, cards have requirements for multiple keywords. There may be multi-card strategies that can take advantage of this border-blurring, however.

Extra Information

Other Versions of Boromir

Hero of Osgiliath (P) Lord of Gondor Lord of Gondor (T) Son of Denethor Defender of Minas Tirith My Brother Bearer of Council Hero of Osgiliath Hero of Osgiliath (T) Defender of Minas Tirith Doomed Heir Proud and Noble Man Destined Guide


This page has been moved, the new location is Boromir, Steward's Heir (P) (0P65).
lotr00065wiki.txt · Last modified: 2013/03/04 16:43 (external edit)

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